
Time to go?

It is a bit like trying to decide when to leave the Blackjack table; go now or stay a bit longer in the hope of better luck. In the world of outdoor photography the weather can be quite cruel at times and this does not just apply to those sessions around the "golden hours" either. A cloudy day with the hint of the sun breaking through can be very frustrating if you are trying to get the light just so, or a particular part of the view illuminated. I've spent ages waiting while the clouds stream over, continuing to obscure the sun from the part I need, only to finally give up and head away 5 minutes before the rays finally break through. In cases like that, it is down to luck and your own perseverance. However there are other times when a bit of knowledge will tip the odds in your favour. An example of this is sunset, or more particularly, just as the sun goes below the horizon. You may be tempted to call it a day at that point - you may have to go for other reasons, but if you can you should stay for at least another 20 mins or so. If the sky is fairly clear of clouds you will be rewarded by a fast changing array of colours that will make the extra time spent worth while. I've mentioned looking at the weather forecast before, but learning to "read" the weather as it is happening will also improve your chances of making the right call; stay a bit, as it is going to clear soon or sod it let's go to the pub!